Thursday, October 29, 2009

Round Up...

List of awesome things that happened in the last week or so.


So 987fm had a little competition so we could bring some listeners to Angsana Bintan last weekend of the 24th/25th of Oct. Muttons and myself went with an awesome group of peeps and the people of Angsana Bintan really took such good care of us. Highlights of the trip - the spa treatment (I went twice cos it was so awesome), the special little dinner they set up for us on hole 8 of the Laguna Golf course, which came complete with fireworks (I know!), and... the ATV rides!!


I play with Hard To Explain [Simon Yong (guitar/vocals), Brandon Khoo (drums), Joanna Lim (keyboard), Colin Teo (bass)] every Monday night and this week we had a huge group of people mainly from the Insead Business school. They were drunk and rowdy and scary and also awesome because they had such a good time rocking out to our mainly 80s tunes! Last set of the night: Somebody Told Me (The Killers), Come Together (Beatles), Fly Away (Lenny Kravitz), Purple Rain (Prince), Sweet Child of Mine (Guns N Roses), It Musta Been Love (Roxette).


So Rikki wanted to do Mambo night cos she is an 80s fiend, and we managed to get the whole crew to come down. Stumble and Spyron came round to pre-game at ours where we had beers, vodka-cranberries and shots. Then we headed to Zouk for more shots, and then.... DANCE PARTY AT OUR HIZZLE! Full of funny controversial pictures and videos that Ali P took - most of which she can't remember taking. My drink tally: 2 beers, 3 vodka shots, 4 Illusion shots, 2 Lemondrops, 1 Vodka Redbull and despite that.... I was not The Biggest Liability! YEAAAAH! That title goes to Stumble, who not only passed out on my bed next to Ali P but face planted on my living room floor and ended up with a giant bruise on his face, which he of course had no idea how he got. I still have the tube of lube that we purchased at 7-11 because "You never know when you might need it". It is now on our mantle. Haha.


So an old mate of mine, Wen, who is a wicked drummer came back from Berkelee a while ago. I've known this dude for ages... Him, another awesome piano player and close friend of mine, Kerong, and I first jammed together at Swing which used to be at Cuppage Plaza like 10 years ago. We did Misty in some weird time signature. I'd explain it better if I knew how but I don't. Anyway, Wen asked me if I wanted to get together to make some music and I said HELL YEAH, because he's fucking awesome and we're mates, and he also roped in another buddy of his, Andrew, who's a wicked guitarist, teaches at LaSalle and is married to Joan Chew of The Unexpected (they play with Shirlyn Tan). So Wen sent me like 6 drum beats he'd laid down and I wrote a couple of melodies/harmonies to it and we decided we'd find a bass player and start jamming. Luckily Andrew knew this great young talent, one of the students at LaSalle, a dude named Jeremiah. We've been banging out a couple songs over the last few weeks and once I figure out a way to upload music on this thing, I'll post some of our jam sessions. Wen's just secured a gig for us on the 28th of December at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre as well so that should be fun!!! Now we just need to come up with a name..... Bah. I hate thinking of names. But it's pretty amazing that we've come together at this point in my life where I'm just having fun with music. I always look forward to our jam sessions, they're the best part of my week.

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